Welcome to
The Food and Body Freedom Project
Are you ready to break through diet culture, stop obsessing over food, and find peace with food and your body?
You are tired of spending money on diets that don’t work
You feel out of control around food or struggle with binge eating
You think about food 24/7
You need help improving your relationship with food
You want to improve your body image
You want to eat more foods but you are scared of what will happen
You want to learn how to make healthy food choices that are sustainable and can be implemented all the time
You are ready to FINALLY stop dieting and make peace with food
Imagine This
You're getting ready to go out to eat with your friends. You pick an outfit that you love without beating up the image in the mirror. You go to dinner and grab a menu because you didn't pre-plan what you were going to eat. You don't worry about calories and you pick the pasta dish with spinach because you know it sounds good and it will be satisfying. You end the night laughing with your friends and take a picture together. You don't hide. You're satisfied. You move on with your night- guilt free.
The Structure
Heal your body from years of dieting and restricting, learn how to reincorporate food fears, break food rules, heal your metabolism, avoid emotional eating and/or bingeing, and ditch the food-obsessed mindset once and for all!
Work through your limiting beliefs about body image, understand set point weight, identify and remove negative body image triggers, and create tools to reach body acceptance
Understand gentle nutrition, learn meal planning and grocery shopping tips, and work through your version of mindful movement so you can finally live the best life that honors your mental and physical health.